
Why words for the good?

Born out of a tug on the heart and a love for the goodness in life - Words For The Good is made to give hope.

Life both online and off can feel like a vortex of negative, nerve-wracking and less-than-lovely.

But there is still so much good out there. So much hope. So much love.

And so this goal is simple. Add to the good.

Good (n)
That which benefits someone or something. That which is virtuous.

I write for the good in both your life and mine. For the good in your heart, the good in your home, the good in the world.

Because it’s here.

And because – at the end of this fragile breath of a life – I want to look back and know it was well-lived, it was meaningful, and it was good.

I want that for all of us. I hope this space feels like an honest coffee with a friend. 

I’ll write about my pursuit of the good in today and promise to share my own struggle to live and love well. You’ll find thoughts on connection, parenting, spiritual life, personal growth and more. 

Of course, I haven’t got it all figured out and let’s be real, who does?

The goal of this space is to focus on the good that’s already here, pursue it and add to it.

If just one person can land here and feel more seen, inspired or less alone, mission accomplished.

I hope you walk away with hope every time.