A Positive Birth Story – Baby 1

Don’t hate me. Birth was easier than I expected.

I had heard a lot of things.  A lot of scary, dramatic stories.  I was hoping for the best but preparing for the toughest.

This is a positive birth story.

Although there were a couple serious surprises, my labour and delivery of our first son were one of the most beautiful, powerful and memorable experiences of my life!

Every childbirth story is different and there are so many factors at play.  Given how many “horror stories” are shared that perpetuate fear of childbirth, I’m sharing this to perpetuate the joy! Because… childbirth doesn’t always have to be something to fear, especially when you’re in great hands (midwives / OB’s!).

So, this is my story…

I’ll start by saying – it all started with choosing to root myself. For me, that’s in scripture.

“The Lord is my helper, I will have no fear.”
Hebrews 13

“Be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.”
Joshua 1

This helped me mentally focus on Jesus; on embracing peace.

Because I knew God was with me.  And nothing could separate me from Him… literally! (If you’re not a “God person”, I think there will still be lots here to encourage you. 🙂 )

Here’s the curve ball.


At 4 days overdue, during a routine midwife appointment, my blood pressure was high and protein was high in my urine.  They sent me to the hospital for blood tests around 2:00pm.  And I didn’t leave until I had a baby.  All the classic indicators of preeclampsia were there.

I had preeclampsia.

Not sure what preeclampsia is? In non-scientific terms, it’s basically your body’s immune system deciding to shut you down because it’s freaked out.  The cure: having a baby.  It’s actually quite serious.  Thankfully, we had incredible care and attention.

I was induced, 4 days overdue.

Labour and birth began as a process of surrender every step of the way, from receiving the poor blood test results to realizing the urgency of induction, to each contraction, to being wheeled into the OR after delivery.

For us, an induction meant a transfer of care from a midwife (whom we LOVED) to an OB that we didn’t know.


Once I wrapped my head around that hard news, at 4:00pm I was given gel to soften my cervix (which was already 2cm – yay!). Then rested, then walked laps around the birthing unit with Justin for an hour. My belly would tighten regularly, just small contractions I hardly noticed.

The anticipation was fun. The uncertainty was as fog we navigated one step at a time.

Soon, the incredible Doula Deb joined our side. It was such a blessing to have someone’s attention and care directed toward Justin and me, not just the medical care of the baby and me. Having her as a constant in all the uncertainties brought even more calmness.


After a conversation – our OB broke my water. (Which I found an amusing experience, like peeing without deciding to…!)

Almost right away, contractions became stronger and more consistent. Thank you God, because I was really praying for a natural birth and it was progressing well!

Baby and I had to be monitored for a while, I had to stay on the bed and I hated that. I was so happy to finally get up and move around!  My husband and doula by my side.

As if I were a turtle, I went into my shell.  My safe place.

I closed my eyes most of the time and focused on totally relaxing in my bubble. I was mentally tuned in to be at peace, thankful and welcoming this baby! There’s so much evidence that this difficult, yet simple goal is critical during childbirth.

I hung out in the labour tub for a couple hours – it was wonderful and the dim lighting so soothing.

As contractions got stronger, I told myself “yes, this is good! Yes, I want to meet this baby!” They were intense, but not unbearable. Sometimes they would even make me sick to my stomach, and again I’d remind myself again “yes, this is good!!”


It was almost midnight, I felt exhausted and starving! I hadn’t eaten since noon, I estimated I was about halfway, and if I was going to do this all night I needed to rest.

So… I asked for an epidural. I wanted a nap!!  How’s that for a modern-day luxury? Thank you modern medicine!

I got out of the tub and took a leisurely waddle back to my room. To my shock, I was actually 10cm dilated and ready to push whenever I felt like it! WHAT?! – did that ever put wind in my sails… I was doing this now!! Forget the epidural.

Apparently, that’s a thing. When you feel like you’re done and can’t go on… you actually are done!

Pushing was awesome. The intensity of the contraction seemed to dissolve as I cooperated with it and pushed with every ounce of energy I had. Every. Ounce. I felt like a rockstar. I was having a baby!!!!

Pretty sure I didn’t look like a rockstar.  But who cares.

After 30 min or so, although I never knew at the time, Isaac’s heart rate was dropping and there was some concern in the room. I was exhausted, at the end of my marathon. Doula Deb leaned in the next time I was pushing and she said calmly but certainly; “this is it, baby needs to be born now!”

And it felt like the whole room was cheering for us.

Because of my position, I could SEE our baby being born. To my joy and surprise, our OB encouraged me to catch baby and put baby on my chest as he or she came into the world!

There are no words for that memory. Unforgettable. Surreal. Blissful. Divine. Those come close.


Justin was the first and only person to see we had just had a baby boy, he whispered it to me and then announced it to the room!

Talk about magic.

Following his birth, I lost more blood than usual (possibly due to the preeclampsia, possibly due to the position baby in when he was born) and after some monitory, I was admitted for an exploratory surgery around 5:30am.  All was well.

I was tired but bright-eyed. I later received a couple blood transfusions and then felt like a million bucks!

We were all in great, trustworthy hands and although the circumstances weren’t great, I was never afraid. Just thankful. Unbelievably thankful.  Praise be to God.

The blessing of this birth is not lost on me. I share this story for every mom-to-be and every mom who is nervous about a future birth because of the last.

A positive birth is so possible, even in the face of uncertainty.

Here’s to the next incredible birth story ahead.

I’ve since had two more beautiful babies, I share the precipitous birth here, and the waterbirth here.

Click here for three things that prepared me every time!

Got a positive birth story? Share and celebrate it for the good that it is!



A Precipitous Birth Story – Baby 2